International Unitarian/UU Town Hall Meetings

Various / 20, 29 & 30 Nov 2023 / Online


You are invited to join a ‘town hall’ open meeting hosted by the Leadership & Design Team that has been exploring what the future of Unitarian and Unitarian Universalist (U/U) collaboration might be.

There are U/U communities in many countries around the world, beyond the 150 congregations here in the UK. Many people will know that the Unitarian Universalist community is strong in North America, or the deep-rooted Hungarian Unitarian Church in Hungary and Transylvania, but there are also well established communities in other parts of Europe, South Africa, India, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand as well as emerging communities in Brazil, Bolivia, Burundi, Kenya and more.

There is huge diversity of these free and inquiring religious communities, and we hope that international collaboration can be a chance to help this diversity flourish as well as building on what we have in common. The open meetings are a chance to hear the team’s vision and ideas, and to feed in your own perspectives. The idea is to introduce new ways of working across the global U/U network, with facilitators connecting people and communities around the things that matter to them and the work they wish to do. 

The Leadership & Design Team is a group of nine U/U leaders from around the globe (including Liz Slade, Chief Officer of the UK’s General Assembly), who have been meeting since 2021 to discern what the future of international collaboration might look like. They were commissioned by the Collaboration Group that oversaw the closure of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU) and the UUA’s Partner Church Council to imagine what might come next, that serves the needs of our global network for the future.

There will be three identical Town Hall Meetings to share their vision and hear your feedback.

Monday 20th November, 3pm (UK time)

Wednesday 29th November, 2am (UK time)

Thursday, November 30, 7pm (UK time)

Zoom Link.
