Spiritual Not Religious
Spiritual Not Religious: A new online group, open to everyone!
Would you describe yourself as spiritual but not religious? Outside of ‘traditional’ religious activities, there are many ways that people in Britain today enrich their spiritual lives – from yoga and meditation to creative projects, from walking, gardening, and serving others to simply being outside in nature. There is much we can learn from each other in exploring the ways in which we find meaning and transcendence in our everyday lives.
You are welcome to join our new monthly online gathering to explore these themes and build connections with others.
Unitarian communities have a free and inquiring approach to religion and spirituality, with no doctrine or dogma, and an openness to continually evolving ways of gathering, while drawing on wisdom from all sources; these values have been core to our ethos since our inception as part of the non-conformist Christian community 300 years ago, and remains central now that Unitarians’ beliefs have expanded to include perspectives outside of Christian traditions.
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/94223648779?pwd=UEVkejhLQnkxV2VrMHU5THg2ZUJNdz09
Meeting ID: 942 2364 8779
Passcode: 3c9Pb1