LGBT+ Unitarian Stories

Join us on Zoom to discuss an exciting new project around LGBT+ Unitarian stories, as we seek to gather, record, and share stories from the struggle for LGBT+ equality and inclusion within the Unitarian and Free Christian Churches – and our denomination’s contribution to LGBT+ equality in wider society, in the past, present and future.
Everyone is welcome to join us for this hour-long Zoom call, hosted by Lizzie Kingston Harrison (Congregational Connections Lead) and Rev. Rory Castle Jones (Communications Officer). Whether you are an LGBT+ person or an ally, whether you helped your congregation to offer same-sex marriage ceremonies or yourself married your same-sex partner in a Unitarian church, whether you remember the historic struggles of the past or care passionately about LGBT+ inclusion today and in the future, all are welcome – we can’t wait to hear your stories!
Tuesday 22 March, 12.30pm
Meeting ID: 820 7057 6510
Passcode: unitarian